The housing market is booming right now, and you might be thinking about putting your property on the market and selling up. However, if you want to get the most for your property, you need to make sure it is not just presentable but that everything is in working order.

Though lots of potential buyers might be able to forgive tatty paintwork or the stains on the old carpets, there are some aspects of buying a new home that are a must - and effective plumbing is one of them!

But did you know, some simple plumbing upgrades can also add value to your home?

So before you book an appointment with your local estate agent, we wanted to share with you five plumbing upgrades that you can make to increase the price of your property. These include:

1. Adding new taps/shower fixtures

Although you don’t need to completely replace your bathroom or kitchen to be able to sell up, making some small replacements can make a huge difference to the asking price. By installing sleek new taps or more modern shower fixtures, you can improve the overall style and appearance of the room for a fraction of the cost.

Plus, you’d be amazed at what a difference upgrading these small appliances in either the bathroom or kitchen can make. This can make your home instantly more appealing to buyers whilst also improving the functionality of your property.

2. Installing new pipes

Some older properties still have plumbing systems that use galvanised pipes, and if this is the case in your home, it might be time for an upgrade. This is because galvanised pipes are prone to internal corrosion, and this can damage your systems and make your water taste unpleasant.

When installing new pipes, it’s better to opt for more modern alternatives such as copper or PVC. This will not only improve your plumbing’s safety and make it last longer, but it can also add value to your home.

And, of course, if you’ve noticed that any pipes - galvanised or not - are damaged or broken, it’s a good idea to replace these any way before selling.

3. Replacing the kitchen sink

Most new homes nowadays come fitted with a dual sink, so if your older property doesn't have this, replacing your older model with a double bowl sink can make a big difference. And the good news is, these sinks are pretty quick and simple for plumbers to install, and they won't cost you a fortune.

However, if you're selling an older property, buyers won't expect these small but effective upgrades, so it really can add value to the property. Not to mention, it can add a bit of shine and modernity to an outdated kitchen.

Not to mention it makes day-to-day tasks such as cooking, washing and cleaning much more convenient.

4. Getting a new boiler

Arguably one of the biggest differences you can make to your home in terms of plumbing is to install a new, more modern boiler. Lots of buyers don’t want to purchase a property with old boilers that could potentially bring with them lots of problems further down the line.

By getting a new boiler installed, you can guarantee that your central heating system will work efficiently and perform well. This can be a huge selling point for buyers who want a warm and comfortable future in the property and don’t want to shell out for a new boiler a few months down the line.

As such, a new boiler can add a very decent amount of money to your asking price.

5. Adding an ensuite bathroom

Finally, we’ve left the biggest but perhaps most lucrative plumbing upgrade until last. By adding an ensuite bathroom to your property, you can significantly increase the asking price.

Though we appreciate this is not a small job, by investing in an ensuite, you are guaranteed to make more money on your property than you paid out for the new bathroom.

Plus, because a lot of people have come to expect ensuite bathrooms attached to their master bedroom, this could make or break the decision to buy your home for a lot of people, especially if this is one of their key criteria.

So if you’ve got the space and budget to be able to do this, adding an ensuite bathroom can massively increase the value of your home.